
aku nama Alfian Luhur Pambudi
Senin, 12 November 2012
forum 'menyenangkan'
tiap malem, ga tiap malem juga sih, kami mengadakan rapat yang menurut saya kurang efektif. semua udah pada capek, abis kuliah seharian, pada belom makan, kedinginan, huh. tapi sang ketua tetep ngebet karena pengen tahu bagaimana progres per divisi, demi kelancaran hari-H. oke. untuk alasan kayak gitu kami terima dengan lapang dada.
tiap kali rapat ga pernah fullteam. dan tiap kali rapat yang diomongin cuman muter muter di lingkaran setan. pernah, cuman nentuin lokasi acara aja sampe satu setengah jam. buset dah. mendingan gua balik dari tadi dongs.
gua agak nyesel waktu udah dikasih tahu oleh budiman bahwa sebaiknya aku ga ikut forum apapun yang dilaksanakan di malam hari, karena pas weekend bakal menguras tenaga. dan benar saja. pas kamis malem gua lupa kalo ada rapat, gua udah berniat mau balik tuh. dan si upleh bilang,"kamu ga ikut forum?" "oh iya ntar malem ada forum, mampus gua." karena gua kelupaan, gua ga bikin alasan untuk membolos forum itu. dan bener juga, gua kurang tidur saat weekend adalah acara yg sangat melelahkan. sabtu: amazing race keliling bandung. minggu: kayak jika aku menjadi gitu, menggelandang disuruh menggandakan uang dari 2000 jadi 25000. cuapek banget dan sampe sekarang capeknya belom ilang.
semalem rapat lagi dengan kondisi tidak fullteam. karena mulainya molor, maka pulangnya pun juga demikian. yang dibicarakan juga itu-itu terus. konyolnya dari divisi perijinan belom kelar, padahal sekarang udah H-3. kami punya seorang senior yang jago bernegosiasi dengan bagian perijinan di kampus. semoga beliau bisa menjadi malaikat penyelamat kami.
kami pulang sekitar jam 22.11 dari kampus. gua 'seneng banget' dengan agenda rapat semalem. rasa seneng gua udah ga bisa dibayangin lagi. di saat lagi jalan turun tangga cc, eh ada temenku, yang rabun senja, jalan kaki ndirian. gue bilang,"lo pulang dianter siapa?" "nggak, gue jalan sendiri. gue naik angkot." buset dah ntr kalo kenape-nape gimana coba. itu dah lewat jam 10 malem, dan membiarkan seorang temanmu yang rabun senja jalan sendirian di malam hari. gua tanya lagi,"lo bawa senter?" "kagak." "trus?" "gue naik angkot aja." buset dah. malah pengen naik angkot ndirian. terus kite smua balik ke tempat forum dan meminta seseorang untuk mengantarnya pulang. GA MAU coba? alasannya dia udah mau nganterin seorang cewek, dia males bolak-balik. gua sih kepikiran buat nganterin dia naik angkot, trus gua naik angkot yg lain, balik. tapi ternyata, si cewek yg mau di anterin ini malah bilang,"udah aku naik angkot aja bareng dia. kite kan se-daerah. ntar kite turun baren." nah? loh? sekarang berarti si cewek yang njagain dia. oke. karena 'si sopir' cuek. aku pun ikutan cuek. tapi gua masih merasa kasihan gitu chuy...
oke. kisah berlanjut kembali. kite serombongan berisi penghuni kos plesiran+gua. sampai di ujung parkiran sipil, gue nunggu angkot. ditemenin 2 orang sih, sementara 2 yang lain pulang duluan, soalnya yang satu cewek. nunggu lamak, akhirnya angkot pun dateng. gua udah takut tuh. ya kali lo merasa aman tentram di dalem angkot malem kayak gitu? tapi ternyata angkotnya cukup ramai. okelah. gua duduk di samping sopir. dan selamat sampai tujuan. gua langsung tepar, setepar-teparnya orang. awalnya pengen coba lembur blajar sih, tapi lelah ini belum bisa terobati. jadi gua memutuskan untuk tidur. Gnight!
paginye, saat gua berniat membuka blog yang telah usang, berdebu, dan mungkin dah ada sarang laba-labanya, gua dapet 5 sms unread. pertama dari ronny," Fi, km datang statdas? Aku ttip absen yaa.. Bdanku masih sakit smua gara2 kmrn blm smpet istirahat fi :( " gua bales,"aku baru bangun tidur ron. aku jugak kecapekan nih." sms selanjutnya datang dari garry," Km dateng statdas? Aku titip absen dong fian .. Lg ga enk bdan nih.. makasih." dan ku bales dengan jawaban yang sama kayak ronny tadi.
yaampun. sadar ga sih. forum forum yang dirasa kurang efektif untuk dilakukan ada baiknya di postpone dulu kawan. di saat ada anggota angkatan membutuhkan bantuan, mana uluran tanganmu? mana hatimu? mungkin kata-kata ini kuramg pantas ku ucapkan, karena aku juga 'nggak bergerak' saat melihat kondisi seperti itu. bagi kawan-kawan yang memiliki fasilitas berlebih, harap digunakan untuk menolong sesama. okelah. cukup sekian dan terimakasih
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
Petroleum Industry
The petroleum industry includes the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics. The industry is usually divided into three major components: upstream, midstream and downstream. Midstream operations are usually included in the downstream category.
Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of importance to the maintenance of industrial civilization itself, and thus is a critical concern for many nations. Oil accounts for a large percentage of the world’s energy consumption, ranging from as low of 32% for Europe and Asia, up to a high of 53% for the Middle East.
Other geographic region’s consumption patterns are as follows: South and Central America (44%), Africa (41%), and North America (40%). The world consumes 30 billion barrels (4.8 km³) of oil per year, with developed nations being the largest consumers. The United States consumed 25% of the oil produced in 2007. The production, distribution, refining, and retailing of petroleum taken as a whole represents the world's largest industry in terms of dollar value.
The American Petroleum Institute divides the petroleum industry into five sectors: upstream (exploration, development and production of crude oil or natural gas); downstream (oil tankers, refiners, retailers and consumers); pipeline; marine; service and supply.
Oil companies used to be classified by sales as "supermajors" (BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Shell, Eni and Total S.A.), "majors", and "independents" or "jobbers". In recent years however, National Oil Companies (NOC, as opposed to IOC, International Oil Companies) have come to control the rights over the largest oil reserves; by this measure the top ten companies all are NOC.
Some petroleum industry operations have been responsible for pollution through by-products of refining and oil spills. The combustion of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants as by-products. Pollutants include nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals.
As petroleum is a non-renewable natural resource the industry is faced with an inevitable eventual depletion of the world's oil supply. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007 listed the reserve/production ratio for proven resources worldwide. The study placed the prospective life span of proven reserves in the Middle East at 79.5 years, Latin America at 41.2 years and North America at only 12 years.
The Hubbert peak theory, which introduced the concept of peak oil, questions the sustainability of oil production. It suggests that after a peak in oil production rates, a period of oil depletion will ensue. Since virtually all economic sectors rely heavily on petroleum, peak oil could lead to a partial or complete failure of markets.
According to research by IBISWorld, biofuels (primarily ethanol, but also biodiesel) will continue to supplement petroleum. However output levels are low, and these fuels will not displace local oil production. More than 90% of the ethanol used in the US is blended with gasoline to produce a 10% ethanol mix, lifting the oxygen content of the fuel
Source :
The topic of this article is about petroleum industry.
The main idea of paragraph 1 is “The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol).” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 1 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 2 is “Petroleum is a critical concern for many nations.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 2 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 3 is “The production, distribution, refining, and retailing of petroleum taken as a whole represents the world's largest industry in terms of dollar value.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 3 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 4 is “The American Petroleum Institute divides the petroleum industry into five sectors” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 4 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 5 is “Oil companies used to be classified by sales as ‘supermajors’, ‘majors’, and ‘independents’.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 5 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 6 is “Some petroleum industry operations have been responsible for pollution.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 6 and the topic.
Paragraph 7 doesn’t have a main idea, so there’s no coherence between the main idea of paragraph 7 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 8 is “After a peak in oil production rates, a period of oil depletion will ensue” There’s no coherence between the main idea of paragraph 8 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 9 is “According to research by IBISWorld, biofuels will continue to supplement petroleum.” There’s no coherence between the main idea of paragraph 9 and the topic.
Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of importance to the maintenance of industrial civilization itself, and thus is a critical concern for many nations. Oil accounts for a large percentage of the world’s energy consumption, ranging from as low of 32% for Europe and Asia, up to a high of 53% for the Middle East.
Other geographic region’s consumption patterns are as follows: South and Central America (44%), Africa (41%), and North America (40%). The world consumes 30 billion barrels (4.8 km³) of oil per year, with developed nations being the largest consumers. The United States consumed 25% of the oil produced in 2007. The production, distribution, refining, and retailing of petroleum taken as a whole represents the world's largest industry in terms of dollar value.
The American Petroleum Institute divides the petroleum industry into five sectors: upstream (exploration, development and production of crude oil or natural gas); downstream (oil tankers, refiners, retailers and consumers); pipeline; marine; service and supply.
Oil companies used to be classified by sales as "supermajors" (BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Shell, Eni and Total S.A.), "majors", and "independents" or "jobbers". In recent years however, National Oil Companies (NOC, as opposed to IOC, International Oil Companies) have come to control the rights over the largest oil reserves; by this measure the top ten companies all are NOC.
Some petroleum industry operations have been responsible for pollution through by-products of refining and oil spills. The combustion of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants as by-products. Pollutants include nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals.
As petroleum is a non-renewable natural resource the industry is faced with an inevitable eventual depletion of the world's oil supply. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007 listed the reserve/production ratio for proven resources worldwide. The study placed the prospective life span of proven reserves in the Middle East at 79.5 years, Latin America at 41.2 years and North America at only 12 years.
The Hubbert peak theory, which introduced the concept of peak oil, questions the sustainability of oil production. It suggests that after a peak in oil production rates, a period of oil depletion will ensue. Since virtually all economic sectors rely heavily on petroleum, peak oil could lead to a partial or complete failure of markets.
According to research by IBISWorld, biofuels (primarily ethanol, but also biodiesel) will continue to supplement petroleum. However output levels are low, and these fuels will not displace local oil production. More than 90% of the ethanol used in the US is blended with gasoline to produce a 10% ethanol mix, lifting the oxygen content of the fuel
Source :
The topic of this article is about petroleum industry.
The main idea of paragraph 1 is “The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol).” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 1 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 2 is “Petroleum is a critical concern for many nations.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 2 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 3 is “The production, distribution, refining, and retailing of petroleum taken as a whole represents the world's largest industry in terms of dollar value.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 3 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 4 is “The American Petroleum Institute divides the petroleum industry into five sectors” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 4 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 5 is “Oil companies used to be classified by sales as ‘supermajors’, ‘majors’, and ‘independents’.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 5 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 6 is “Some petroleum industry operations have been responsible for pollution.” There’s a coherence between the main idea of paragraph 6 and the topic.
Paragraph 7 doesn’t have a main idea, so there’s no coherence between the main idea of paragraph 7 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 8 is “After a peak in oil production rates, a period of oil depletion will ensue” There’s no coherence between the main idea of paragraph 8 and the topic.
The main idea of paragraph 9 is “According to research by IBISWorld, biofuels will continue to supplement petroleum.” There’s no coherence between the main idea of paragraph 9 and the topic.
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
Senin, 13 Februari 2012
Kamis, 09 Februari 2012
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012
26 Januari 2012
Pas istirahat gue memutuskan untuk pulang ke rumah simbah daripada jajan di kampus. Sepanjang perjalanan gue mikirin betapa susahnya perjuangan gue saat ini. Gue nggak pernah nyangka masa muda gue begitu sulit untuk dijalani. Gue musti banting otak buat menentukan keputusan mana yang akan gue ambil. Kalo hari ini gini, besok harus gitu. Kalo gue ngelakuin gini, akibatnye gitu. Semua penuh pertimbangan dengan akurasi lim┬(x→∞)〖(1+1/n)^n=99,99%〗.
Trotoar di pinggiran pusda’i memang cukup sempit dan cukup teduh, juga cukup dipenuhi barang yang terdzolimi, tidak diletakkan pada tempatnya, seperti bekas pembalut yang ada sayap, ekor, dan paha atasnya, pedagang batagor beserta jajarannya, dan anak-anak yang bergelantungan di atas pohon yang seolah-olah ngajak gue buat makan pisang bareng. Walaupun gue cuman jalan kaki sekitar 150 meter, rasanya kayak udah mendaki gunung, lewati lembah, sungai mengalir indah ke samudra, bersama teman bertualang. Malah jadi inget ninja kambing hitam deh.
Terbersit pikiran kalau gue udah keye reye, gue pasti akan menceriterakan kisah perjalanan gue dari nol sampe saat ini. Tapi apa yang terjadi saat ini? Saat gue sedang menjalani masa sulit seperti ini? Gue nggak mau komen sedikitpun. Bener-bener capek dan tak terungkapkan. Gue kuliah jam 7 pagi, istirahat 3 jam, terus pulang jam 6 di saat matahari terbenam, bukan matahari terbit! Lo pikir gue kerja malem?
Kerja itu lebih mudah daripada belajar dengan penuh tekanan batin dan dikejar-kejar deadline (garis modar). Tak hanya itu, gue juga berpikir bahwasanya predikat yang bakal gue peroleh adalah sebuah jabatan yang udah tingkat dewa gilak gitu, atasnya atasan. Jadi, diperusahaan itu,gue punya bawahan dan daleman yang nurut dan bisa diatur sesuka hati gue.
Pas malemnya, gue berniat untuk menjalankan misi sederhana, streaming Kos-kosan Gayam di warnet deket musholla. Nggak lama sih cuman 2 jam, dari jam 8 sampe jam 10. Sebelumnya udah gue atur sedemikian rupa sehingga gue tinggal cus ke sono. Jam 1/2 8 malem, waktunya gue nonton On The Spot. Gue nonton sambil tiduran, alhasil gue malah ketiduran dan ditidurin oleh guling. Akhirnye gue bangun sambil geragapan karena jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 1/2 9 malem. Gue jadi galau deh. Gue memutuskan untuk tidur aje daripada melanjutkan misi tersebut. Gue turun ke bawah, ngunci lampu, matiin pintu, pipis and don’t forget to kill the television. Abis itu gue tidur senyenyak-nyenyaknya sampe jam 1/2 7 pagi.
Trotoar di pinggiran pusda’i memang cukup sempit dan cukup teduh, juga cukup dipenuhi barang yang terdzolimi, tidak diletakkan pada tempatnya, seperti bekas pembalut yang ada sayap, ekor, dan paha atasnya, pedagang batagor beserta jajarannya, dan anak-anak yang bergelantungan di atas pohon yang seolah-olah ngajak gue buat makan pisang bareng. Walaupun gue cuman jalan kaki sekitar 150 meter, rasanya kayak udah mendaki gunung, lewati lembah, sungai mengalir indah ke samudra, bersama teman bertualang. Malah jadi inget ninja kambing hitam deh.
Terbersit pikiran kalau gue udah keye reye, gue pasti akan menceriterakan kisah perjalanan gue dari nol sampe saat ini. Tapi apa yang terjadi saat ini? Saat gue sedang menjalani masa sulit seperti ini? Gue nggak mau komen sedikitpun. Bener-bener capek dan tak terungkapkan. Gue kuliah jam 7 pagi, istirahat 3 jam, terus pulang jam 6 di saat matahari terbenam, bukan matahari terbit! Lo pikir gue kerja malem?
Kerja itu lebih mudah daripada belajar dengan penuh tekanan batin dan dikejar-kejar deadline (garis modar). Tak hanya itu, gue juga berpikir bahwasanya predikat yang bakal gue peroleh adalah sebuah jabatan yang udah tingkat dewa gilak gitu, atasnya atasan. Jadi, diperusahaan itu,gue punya bawahan dan daleman yang nurut dan bisa diatur sesuka hati gue.
Pas malemnya, gue berniat untuk menjalankan misi sederhana, streaming Kos-kosan Gayam di warnet deket musholla. Nggak lama sih cuman 2 jam, dari jam 8 sampe jam 10. Sebelumnya udah gue atur sedemikian rupa sehingga gue tinggal cus ke sono. Jam 1/2 8 malem, waktunya gue nonton On The Spot. Gue nonton sambil tiduran, alhasil gue malah ketiduran dan ditidurin oleh guling. Akhirnye gue bangun sambil geragapan karena jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 1/2 9 malem. Gue jadi galau deh. Gue memutuskan untuk tidur aje daripada melanjutkan misi tersebut. Gue turun ke bawah, ngunci lampu, matiin pintu, pipis and don’t forget to kill the television. Abis itu gue tidur senyenyak-nyenyaknya sampe jam 1/2 7 pagi.
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