kembang api mengangkasa, trompet di bunyikan, untuk menyambut tahun baru 2010...weh weh weh gag krasa dah tahun baru 2010... 20098 telah kita lalui... banyak hal yang teringat dan akan selalu terkenang di tahun kemnarin...ewh ewh ewh jangan seneng dulu masih banyak rintangan yang yharus kita lalui nich... hidup emang berat sangat... tapi hidup itu gag seru kalo gag ada halanganx... oleh karena itu, sudah sepantesx kita bersyukur sama yan ada di atas...
malam tahun baru... 31 desember 2009 -1 januari 2010... aku ma mbakq jalan2 ke sepanjang jalan solo... tadix berencana ke malioboro, tapi berhubung mbakq besogx kerja pagi, jadi kita berdua membatalkan rencana tersebut... FYI : aku takut banget sama orang2 yang membunyikan kembang api, tp aku seneng liat kembang api dan gag takut... kita kluar mulai jam 11 malem... tadix maw ke pameran buku di gedung wanita, tapi kitra mikir, mesti susah banget bwd nyebrang jalkan... akhirx kita jalan ke galeria... kita pikir di sana ramai... ya ampun dugaan kita salah 89%... orang2 pada pergi ke timur sementara kita malah pergi ke arah barat... mana di sana kembang apix cuma koretan koped doank... pret pret pret...
tepat jam 12 malem, sepanjang jalan di pastikan macet total... dan kita semua berjalan kaki di tengah jalan... dari kejauhan, nampak di sebelah timur kembang apix lebih OK dari pada di sini... BULL SHIT... kenapa aku harus capek2 jalan kaki untuk liat mcrt kuadrat...
sekitar setengah satu aku mulai jalan ke arah timur, maw pulang... sepanjang perjalanan masi ada orang yang menyalakan mkembang api... tapi ya itui tadi... mcrt kuadrat... lumayan sih tp regretx lebih besar... kita maw berjalan di trotoar, tp ada yang jualan... maw jalan di tengah jalan, tp adfa yang menghidupin kembang api... kitamaw jalan di antara mobil, tp gag cukup... maw jalan di antara motor2, tp banyak orang yang lagi minum2... sebel... aku narik2 sweter mbakq sampek dy mara2... dy pinginx lewat ke tengah2 tp aku gag maw... kita jalan seperempat jam... sampe di timur, kita bingung... go ahead or to the left... and then we decided to go back... duh senangx dimarahin kakak... sampe di ruma seneng bgd rasanya...
ya ampun, baru pertama kali itu aku ngelihat kehidupan malam... banyak banget orang2 kotor dan gag punya rasa... seandaix aku kaya, mungkin aku juga jadin kayak mereka... aku bersyukur bukan jadi orang kaya, karena aku bisa menjaga diriku... bisa tahu dari pengalaman2 hidupq... semoga semua ini bermanfaat... jika aku uda menjadi seorang bapak, aku gag akan membebaskan anakku menjadi anag brandall kya yang aku liat tadi malem...

aku nama Alfian Luhur Pambudi
Kamis, 31 Desember 2009
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
perjalanan menuju kelas CI
aku sekarang skolah di delayota. awalnya aku nyesel juga kalo aku malah masuk sna. padahal aku bisa masuk teladan. sayang banget. mulanya terasa berat aku masuk delayota di kelas B. di sana cuma ada aku, alif, irma, and fella yang dari smp 8 jogja. jenuh dan BT. pas mos aku gak mengenal sapa sapa cuma ardi, kin kin, faris, ma fahmi doank. yaampun. setelah mos aku menjalani tes selaksi masuk CI. ada 9 orang yang mendaftar dari kelas bhe, yaitu aku, faris, kin kin, ardi, rama, adis, satya, dewi, dan ulfah. hari pertama adalah tes akademik. soalnya gag susah susah amat tapi waktunya kurang. mapel yang diujikan adalah biologi, fisika, matematika, dan bahsa inggris. hari ke dua tes psikologi. aku pikir tes apaan ternyata tes IQ. waduh. soalnya sulit bgt, mana waktunya bentar bgt lagi. pas ada waktu sisa, aku ngerjain soal yang tadinya belum aku kerjaiin. sebenarnya gag boleh. tapi situasi dan kondisi saat itu mendukung bgt.aku duduk di pojok kiri belakang. tapi ada nyamuknya. hari ke tiga adalah tes wawncara. tes itu biasa bgt. aku menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan lancar. gurunya tannya, apa tujuan mu masuk CI?. terus aku njawab, CI kan memberikan peluang bagi seorang siswa untuk menempuh masa Sma selama 2 tahun, kalo begitu aku kan bisa cepet kerja. terus gurunya balik nanya, kenapa maw cpt cepet kerja?. tadinya aku bingung maw njawab apaan. terus aku njawab, kan bisa cepet cepet cari dhuwit untuk orang tua aku. aku sebenernya bukan dari golongan orang kaya. bukan di sebut keluarga sederhana pula. alhamdulillah. Allah telah memberikan ku kecerdasan yang lumayan. orang tuaku sering cekcok. se rumah tapi pisah ranjang. orang tuaku terlilit utang yang gag main main jumlahnya. wah malah ngomongin masalah kluargaku. bagi yang baca blogku ini jangan kasih taw orang lain tentang masalah ini. janji yaw. terus ada acara HEP segala. semenjak itu aku jadi mengenal temen temenku yang lainnya. sekelas aku taw semuannya. kita ngerjain tugas bareng di rumah shofi. sebenernya seru bgt, tapi ibunya shofi pelit masak gak mbuatin tamunya minum, padahal kita haus bgt. semenjak itu aku juga ngerasa gak kesepian lagi, kalo ada di kelas bhe. rame bgt. seru abiz. kita bikin yel yang paling heboh, menggebragg, dan paling edan. gokil abiz. HEP itu berarti bgt buat aku. memberikan kesan mendalam di hatiku. di hari terakhir, kita nangis nangis bareng. aku yang palintg mendramatisir, paling lama nangisnya, sampe kakak pk men cup cup aku. mbak diska sama mas ipul, makasih banget udah maw mendampingi kita selama ini. jasamu takan terlupakan. mungkin kalo aku jadi kalian, aku gag bisa bertingkah layaknya kalian. terimakasih. di hari terakhir aku mendapatkan surat hasil pengumuman siswa kelas akselerasi CI. gurunya bilang kalo mbukaknya di rumah aja. tapi saat itu juga aku buka, dan ternyata aku diterima. tadinya sempat nyesel, kok aku malah ditrima sih.aku dah bersusah payah selama HEP, jungkir balik bareng temen temen. tapi temen aku,windan ma danan ngasih taw akun supaya aku berjuang di akselerasi. itu pilihanmu lo fi , kata mereka. oke. semenjak saat itu aku resmi menjadi anak CI. setidaknya aku bisa mbanggain orang tuaku, bapa dan ibuku. aku jadi pingin nangis nich. sumpah.
Jumat, 15 Mei 2009
B : Hi Arif!
A : Hi Alfi! How are you?
B : Glad. But.... You look upset. Is there anything wrong?
A : Oh.... I'm just in a bad mood.
B : Why?
A : I think I failed my English Final Exam.
B : Oh, you probably passed. You have studied hard, haven't you.
A : Well, may be. But I always get nervous when I have to take a test.
B : I do too.
A : By the way..... Where are you going?
B : I'm going to the Music Store. Would you like to accompany me?
A : With my pleasure! Let's go!
A : Look at that! What do you think about it?
B : What a nice violin! But.... How much does it cost?
A : Em.... It's about half a million rupiah.
B : Wow..... It's too expensive. Ctually, I'm looking for a new guitar.
A : Why don't you tell me before! Come on! Find it!
A : Which one do you want? What about this one?
B : I don't like the color.
A : Em.... this one?
B : Are you kidding me! It's too simple and unfashioned.
A : So..... up to you!
B : I think it's a perfect guitar. Do you agree with me?
A : Of course, I agree with you. It's cool!
B : Wait a minute. I'll go to the cashier. So, stay here!
A : Ok
(B out-in)
A : How much did you pay for it?
B : I paid three thousand rupiah for it. It's not expensive, is it?
A : Ya.....
B : Do you know?
A : What?
B : Yesterday, my mother and I went to a wedding party.
A : What did you wear Alfi?
B : I wore a casual suite. I sang a song for the couples.
A : Yes, sure you have a nice voice. Would you like to sing a song for me?
B : Oh.... I'm too shy to sing here.
A : It doesn't metter. Come on!
B : OK.... You should let me love you. Let me be the one. Who give you anything you want and need. Baby good love and protection......... I'm too shy!
A : It was a good performance!
B : Thank you! Em...... Rif, do you know Uka? He will celebrate his birthday to night.
A : Yes I know him. How old is he now?
B : He is fiveteen years old now. And he is a cute boy. Does he invite you?
A : Yes he does. We will go there together. Right?
B : Allright
A : Well, where are we going now?
B : What about going to Cafetaria?
A : I think it's a good idea.
B : Let's go!
A : Hi Alfi! How are you?
B : Glad. But.... You look upset. Is there anything wrong?
A : Oh.... I'm just in a bad mood.
B : Why?
A : I think I failed my English Final Exam.
B : Oh, you probably passed. You have studied hard, haven't you.
A : Well, may be. But I always get nervous when I have to take a test.
B : I do too.
A : By the way..... Where are you going?
B : I'm going to the Music Store. Would you like to accompany me?
A : With my pleasure! Let's go!
A : Look at that! What do you think about it?
B : What a nice violin! But.... How much does it cost?
A : Em.... It's about half a million rupiah.
B : Wow..... It's too expensive. Ctually, I'm looking for a new guitar.
A : Why don't you tell me before! Come on! Find it!
A : Which one do you want? What about this one?
B : I don't like the color.
A : Em.... this one?
B : Are you kidding me! It's too simple and unfashioned.
A : So..... up to you!
B : I think it's a perfect guitar. Do you agree with me?
A : Of course, I agree with you. It's cool!
B : Wait a minute. I'll go to the cashier. So, stay here!
A : Ok
(B out-in)
A : How much did you pay for it?
B : I paid three thousand rupiah for it. It's not expensive, is it?
A : Ya.....
B : Do you know?
A : What?
B : Yesterday, my mother and I went to a wedding party.
A : What did you wear Alfi?
B : I wore a casual suite. I sang a song for the couples.
A : Yes, sure you have a nice voice. Would you like to sing a song for me?
B : Oh.... I'm too shy to sing here.
A : It doesn't metter. Come on!
B : OK.... You should let me love you. Let me be the one. Who give you anything you want and need. Baby good love and protection......... I'm too shy!
A : It was a good performance!
B : Thank you! Em...... Rif, do you know Uka? He will celebrate his birthday to night.
A : Yes I know him. How old is he now?
B : He is fiveteen years old now. And he is a cute boy. Does he invite you?
A : Yes he does. We will go there together. Right?
B : Allright
A : Well, where are we going now?
B : What about going to Cafetaria?
A : I think it's a good idea.
B : Let's go!
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Ready To Fly
I open my eyes the world seems a different place,
The colors are brighter and the air is sweet to taste.
See it's like I woke up from a nightmare that tied me down,
I was smothered and trapped inside a sleep way underground
It's time I learned to fall,
To say the word goodbye.
To feel the sunlight on my face,
Maybe that means...
I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide...
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm ready to fly.
Where is your faith, where is your love for me?
Why do you fight the things I imagine in my dreams?
See the poison is strong, an addiction is tough to break.
But love is the hardest thing I have ever had to shake.
It's time to break these chains,
To look you in the eye,
To tell you that it's over now,
Maybe that means...
I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide...
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm ready to fly.
Give me the strength to walk away
Give me the strength to stay the road ahead
Even if it's a lonely place.
Give me the hope to mend this heart
Give me the chance to see love smile, smile again
To see love smile...
It's time I learned to fall,
To say the word goodbye.
To feel the sunlight on my face,
Maybe that means... Maybe that means
I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide...
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm I'm ready to fly.
I open my eyes the world seems a different place,
The colors are brighter and the air is sweet to taste.
See it's like I woke up from a nightmare that tied me down,
I was smothered and trapped inside a sleep way underground
It's time I learned to fall,
To say the word goodbye.
To feel the sunlight on my face,
Maybe that means...
I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide...
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm ready to fly.
Where is your faith, where is your love for me?
Why do you fight the things I imagine in my dreams?
See the poison is strong, an addiction is tough to break.
But love is the hardest thing I have ever had to shake.
It's time to break these chains,
To look you in the eye,
To tell you that it's over now,
Maybe that means...
I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide...
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm ready to fly.
Give me the strength to walk away
Give me the strength to stay the road ahead
Even if it's a lonely place.
Give me the hope to mend this heart
Give me the chance to see love smile, smile again
To see love smile...
It's time I learned to fall,
To say the word goodbye.
To feel the sunlight on my face,
Maybe that means... Maybe that means
I'm ready to fly,
I wanna breathe in and breathe out and be who I am,
Let go of fear wanna feel alive.
I'm ready to fly,
The more that you hold me back you set me free,
You help my heart decide...
Maybe I'm, maybe I'm I'm ready to fly.
Amy Pearson
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
Ooh, Oooh...
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you
But I know you won't be there
OOh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, by hurting you.
Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide, cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this
Oooh, Yeah...
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
Just to hear your voice again
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back
OOh, I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, Oooh...
If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much
That I've missed you since
You've been away.
Oooh, It's dangerous
So out of line...
To try and turn back time...
I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself...
By hurting you...
Christina Aguilera
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